Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who are you?

Say you were going to describe your brand as a car model, which car brand or model would your brand be? A Mercedes? A Ford?

If your brand were a person, who would it be? James Bond? Martha Stewart? Joe the Plumber?

What kind of clothes would your brand wear? Calvin Klein? Levis? Tommy Bahama or Old Navy?

Where does your brand dine? Where does it vacation? What is its favorite drink?

As an exercise, try making your brand a person in your mind and describe those things above and any others you can think of. Do the same with competition.

If possible, see if you can get other random people to answer the same things about you and your competition. Not just your friends, because you want to hear what they honestly think. You may find out their ideas about you is different from what you think about yourself.

An easy exercise that just might reveal some valuable insights about your brand and that of your rivals.

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